Wellness Consciousness

Wellness consciousness activates your inborn healing abilities at the soul, heart, mind and body levels to align and harmonize all divergent parts of yourself into a wholeness that’s more coherent. This restores your natural ability to flourish in all areas of life.

Generally speaking, wellness is commonly considered to include seven areas of well-being: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, occupational, environmental and financial.


Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle that allows you to carry out your daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. It involves a regular exercise routine, a balanced diet and adequate rest. It also entails avoiding behaviours that negatively impact your physical wellness such as misusing tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

GV’s physical wellness consciousness includes engaging in regular (min 30 minutes 3X/week) aerobic activity, eating nutritious foods, consuming sufficient water and getting adequate sleep to support physical health and energy. It also entails practicing safer sex, making responsible decisions around alcohol and drugs and seeking medical care when needed.


When you think of wellness, your mind might go straight to the physical, but a healthy lifestyle also includes the emotional. Emotional wellness involves understanding and accepting your emotions, including the negative ones. It also includes healthy coping mechanisms, such as positive self-talk or seeking support from others.

People who are emotionally well have a more positive outlook on life and can bounce back from hardships. They also enjoy the positive things in life and can see the humor in situations. They also take care of their mental and physical health, and they avoid unhealthy behaviors like smoking or drinking too much.


Social wellness includes nurturing relationships and creating a support system. It also means understanding, respecting and accepting those with a different sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion and socioeconomic status.

Prioritizing social wellness is a vital part of overall health. It can be as simple as booking a regular catch-up with friends, or as involved as volunteering in your community, taking classes at a local community center or joining a group based on common interests like fitness or meditation. These activities promote connection and a sense of belonging.


Spiritual wellness involves connecting to your inner self and a higher power. This can include activities such as yoga, meditation and gratitude. It also includes activities such as prayer, letting go of negative thoughts and taking time for yourself.

Journaling: Write about your thoughts, feelings and insights. It can help you track your spiritual growth and encourage mindfulness.

Mindfulness: Being fully present in each moment and making ethical decisions based on your values. This practice is essential for emotional and spiritual wellness. It can be done through daily meditation, yoga and breathing exercises.


Occupational wellness is a key dimension of overall well-being that relates to your career and job satisfaction. It involves how your job fits with your personal goals and values, and how closely it aligns with your true calling.

A fulfilling career contributes to emotional and physical wellness by boosting self-esteem and happiness. It also supports financial wellness by providing a sense of security and stability. Occupational wellness can be improved by seeking out challenges that enhance professional growth, and by fostering healthy relationships and social connections at work.

Many companies focus on improving employee happiness and occupational wellness through DEI programs, mentorship, and engagement surveys.


Environmental wellness is about respecting the environment and understanding how personal actions affect the planet’s natural resources. It involves taking steps to live an eco-conscious lifestyle, including reducing waste and conserving energy. It also involves educating yourself about the ecological issues facing your community and the world.

Whether it’s your workplace, home or neighborhood, the environments where you spend your time can impact your health and wellness. Your mental condition, emotional wellbeing and productivity are all influenced by the physical surroundings where you work and live. Creating healthy and stimulating environments can help your mind, body, and soul thrive.


Financial wellness consciousness focuses on an individual’s ability to control short-term finances and long-term goals. This involves being able to afford tuition and additional school expenses as well as having spending money saved for things like travel. It also includes setting and following through with retirement planning.

PCOM’s Taylor and her team work to help students gain this level of consciousness through one-on-one counseling as well as virtual programming throughout the year. She says breaking down the mystique of how loans accrue interest or what financial aid eligibility means allows students to feel more confident in their current and future relationship with money.