Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils — natural fragrances from plants — for health and relaxation. The essential oils are used either through direct inhalation or as a topical application.
Many massage therapists use aromatherapy in their treatments. If you choose this treatment, look for a therapist who is trained in aromatherapy. Certain oils can cause skin irritation, so choose carefully. For example, citrus oil may make your skin sensitive to sunlight.
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils (concentrates extracted from roots, seeds, leaves, or blossoms) to treat a wide variety of symptoms and conditions. Several clinical studies have shown that inhalation of aromatherapy oil can reduce anxiety and stress levels. However, the majority of studies have limited methods and measurements. Further research needs to include standardized protocols with quantifiable physiological measurements to create stronger evidence.
Everyone experiences stressful situations from time to time, whether they are positive or negative. Good stress, known as eustress, can help motivate us and keep us going, but bad stress can cause real harm to our physical and mental health.
PDQ cancer information summary for health professionals provides comprehensive, peer-reviewed information on complementary and integrative therapies for cancer patients. This information is intended to help patients and their loved ones make informed decisions about treatment options. The content is reviewed regularly and updated as necessary by a panel of experts in the field.
Anxiety is a normal feeling that can be triggered by events in the real world (like a doctor’s appointment or relationship conflict) or by thoughts of future dangers (like losing a job). It helps your body prepare for possible threats by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure, making you more alert, and preparing your muscles to react.
While anxiety can feel overwhelming, it is treatable. Medications and psychotherapy (“talk therapy”) can help. Exercise also relieves stress and releases mood-boosting endorphins. Changing negative patterns of thinking can also improve your symptoms.
Inhalation aromatherapy can be used to reduce anxiety. A randomised controlled trial in Iran found that lavender aromatherapy reduced anxiety and vital signs in preoperative cataract surgery [76]. However, a review of studies found that there is wide variability in the type and dose of essential oil used. This limits the ability of researchers and clinicians to compare results. Inhalation aromatherapy is commonly used in oncology and palliative care settings for procedural anxiety such as dental and obstetric procedures [78]. Other studies have used room diffusion or sage and neroli oils with a similar effect.
Pain is a constant in health care, but patients may not want to use pharmacological methods to manage their symptoms. Aromatherapy can help relieve pain while promoting relaxation and easing anxiety.
For example, a woman who suffered from above-knee amputation was so anxious and afraid of moving that she would cry and have shortness of breath before occupational and physical therapy sessions. Aromatherapy helped ease her anxiety and pain, allowing her to participate fully in her rehab.
Studies have found that aromatherapy can be used to treat a variety of pain, including nociceptive and inflammatory pain. In one study, acupressure massage using lavender essential oil was more effective at relieving lower back pain than a control group that received acetaminophen. The same study showed that inhalation aromatherapy before dressing decreases pain levels and stabilizes vital signs in burn patients. This reduces the need for pharmacological agents, which can cause undesirable side effects. This is particularly important in children, as sedatives and opioids may interfere with brain development.
Thyroid cancer
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the front of the neck, below the larynx (voice box) and near the windpipe (trachea). It has right and left halves, called lobes, which are joined by a thin piece of tissue (the isthmus). Cancer starts in cells of the thyroid and can spread to other parts of the body.
The most common type of thyroid cancer is papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Most PTCs are very small and grow slowly. They may cause hoarseness or difficulty swallowing due to a pressure effect on the vocal cords or trachea. Symptoms may also include difficulty breathing, enlarged regional lymph nodes in the neck and a mass in the thyroid.
A diagnosis of thyroid cancer can be stressful and overwhelming. However, most types of thyroid cancer are very treatable. In particular, survival rates are very high for patients with papillary and follicular cancers. Aromatherapy can help reduce the side effects of treatment, such as dry mouth, fatigue and weight loss. One study found that inhaling lemon and ginger essential oils helped decrease damage to normal salivary glands during radioactive iodine treatment.